Oxford Constitutions of the World

Oxford Constitutions of the World is the resource to contain fully-translated English-language versions of all the world’s constitutions (both national and sub-national), accompanied by individual jurisdictional commentaries, and supplementary materials, including foundation documents, historical versions of constitutions, and amendment Acts/Laws.

Subject Coverage


Available in following institutions

  1. Bago University
  2. Dagon University
  3. East Yangon University
  4. Mandalar Degree College
  5. Mandalay Technological University
  6. Mandalay University
  7. Mawlamyine University 
  8. Myanmar Imperial University
  9. National Management Degree College
  10. Pyay University
  11. Sittwe University
  12. Universities’ Central Library
  13. University of Computer Studies, Mandalay 
  14. University of Computer Studies, Yangon
  15. University of Information Technology
  16. West Yangon University
  17. Yadanabon University
  18. Yangon Technological University
  19. Yangon University
  20. Yangon University of Economics
  21. Yangon University of Education
  22. Yangon University of Foreign Languages